01. Juni 2022
Yes, I know... so generic! There are sooo many tips and tricks on how to study correctly. I have read them myself many times - sometimes to make my studying more efficient, sometimes for motivation. Which ever you prefer, I would love to share my tips that have helped me to get through the hustle. Some are a bit more common, some are a little bit underrated (from my perspective). Prioritise your sleep! Not only your body gets weaker and weaker every single time you go to bed too late, but also...
30. Mai 2022
For the past couple of years, I have been studying latin in school. I have been taught grammar, vocabulary, spelling and even how to pronounce the words correctly. We have been discussing ancient politics and philosophy depicted in Cicero's "Philippicae" and in the letters by Plinius the Younger. Therefore, we have translated many, many texts from latin into german and let me say one thing. It was not easy. Our teacher was demanding and our schedule packed. With the kind help of our dictionary...
30. Mai 2022
I have thought about starting my own blog for a long time now, but I never really got into that. I have always feared that it is gonna be difficult to install or my life is not interesting enough... However, I have a million thoughts in my head and thousand new ideas every day. Plus, I am a creative person by nature, so I kind of need an outlet for all of my current weather. Never being a social media person in particular, I also feared that I could share too much of my personal information or...